Mega 一代煙彈 (透明發光) | Relx一代 電子煙 通用 (煙彈x3) | 20種口味 (輕悅獨家品牌)





MEGA煙彈(現貨)(RELX 一代通用)(20種口味)(輕悅獨家品牌)


  1. 煙草口味: MEGA煙彈中的煙草口味是一個經典的選擇,它呈現出濃厚的煙草風味,讓您可以繼續享受傳統煙草的口感,同時不產生有害的焦油和一氧化碳。
  2. 飲料口味: MEGA煙彈中還提供了多種飲料口味的選擇,例如柚子茶、可樂、綠茶等。這些口味帶有飲品的香甜風味,讓吸煙者可以在吸煙的同時品味到飲料的美味。
  3. 水果口味: 如果您喜歡水果風味,MEGA煙彈也有您喜歡的口味,如草莓、藍莓、西瓜等。這些口味呈現出濃郁的水果風味,讓吸煙者可以享受到水果的清新和甜美。


  • 防漏水晶芯
  • 直徑0.01mm
  • 約600口
  • 雙密封煙彈
  • 鴨嘴型煙彈設計
  • 即插即用連接
  • 鍍金屬防燒焦
  • 磁連接‧
  • 植物甘油
  • 丙二醇
  • 食品調味劑
  • 尼古丁
  • 真果汁提取物

MEGA cartridges (in stock) (general to RELX generation) (20 flavors) (Qingyue exclusive brand)

MEGA cigarette cartridge is an electronic cigarette accessory with various flavors, providing smokers with a variety of flavor choices. The following is an introduction to the different flavors of MEGA cigarette cartridges:

Tobacco flavor: The tobacco flavor in MEGA cartridges is a classic choice. It presents a strong tobacco flavor, allowing you to continue to enjoy the taste of traditional tobacco without producing harmful tar and carbon monoxide.

Beverage flavors: MEGA cigarette cartridges also provide a variety of beverage flavor choices, such as grapefruit tea, cola, green tea, etc. These flavors carry the sweet flavor of the drink, allowing smokers to enjoy the delicious taste of the drink while smoking.

Fruit flavors: If you like fruit flavors, MEGA cigarette cartridges also have your favorite flavors, such as strawberry, blueberry, watermelon, etc. These flavors present a rich fruit flavor, allowing smokers to enjoy the freshness and sweetness of the fruit.

Each flavor is carefully blended to ensure consistency and quality. MEGA cartridges come in a variety of flavors, allowing smokers to choose according to their own taste preferences, increasing the diversity of smoking experiences. Whether you like traditional tobacco flavor, beverage flavor or fruit flavor, MEGA cigarette cartridges can meet your taste needs.

1 box of this product contains 3 pods
This pod is also suitable for other Relx generation e-cigarettes, such as:
·Relx – 1st generation original electronic cigarette machine
·Troy electronic cigarette machine
·Vapemoho electronic cigarette machine
·LUX electronic cigarette machine
··VEEX electronic cigarette machine
··MEGA electronic cigarette machine
Product Specifications:
‧2ml capacity
  Leak-proof crystal core
  Diameter 0.01mm
About 600 mouths
Double sealed pod
  Duckbill pod design
Plug and play connection
  metallized anti-scorch
  Magnetic connection‧
vegetable glycerin
Propylene Glycol
food flavoring
real fruit juice extract
1 box of this product contains 3 pods
This cartridge is also suitable for other Relx generation electronic cigarettes, such as:

香芋雪糕, 百香果, 草莓, 紅心芭樂, 遠山藍莓, 菠蘿快車, 烏龍茶, 蘋果綠茶, 水蜜桃, 可樂加冰, 荔枝, 激爽青提, 覺醒冰泉, 手打檸檬, 閏土西瓜, 鐵觀音, 綠豆, 經典煙草, 薄荷, 柚子茶

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