Yooz Zero陶瓷煙彈​


Yooz Zero(柚子)(陶瓷煙彈)(RELX二代通用)

YOOZ Zero  2代電子煙 Pod 陶瓷芯煙彈:多種口味選擇,低漏油概率的極致享受

YOOZ Zero RELX 2代電子煙 Pod 陶瓷芯煙彈,堪稱電子煙世界的瑰寶,不僅為吸菸者帶來真實的吸菸體驗,還擁有多種口味選擇,以及極低的漏油概率。這款產品的先進技術、優質煙油和卓越性能確保了每一口都能極致享受,同時關心您的健康。








YOOZ 2代電子煙 Pod 陶瓷芯煙彈提供多達26款不同口味的選擇,包括白桃汽水、冰冰百香果、番石榴汽水、黑加侖藍莓、靈魂薄荷、青提汽水、搖滾可樂、菠蘿汽水等等。無論您是喜愛水果風味、甜點風味還是傳統的煙草風味,都能在YOOZ找到合適的口味。這種多樣性確保了每位吸菸者都能找到自己喜愛的口味,同時享受卓越的吸菸體驗。


YOOZ Zero RELX 2代電子煙 Pod 陶瓷芯煙彈是您無可挑剔的選擇,為您帶來最高品質的電子煙體驗,同時也保護了您的健康。無論您是電子煙愛好者還是初次嘗試,這款產品絕對能夠滿足您的需求,讓您享受無與倫比的樂趣。選擇YOOZ,選擇優質和多樣性。

·Relx – 1代原廠電子煙機


‧ 2ml容量‧ 防漏水晶芯‧ 直徑0.01mm‧ 約600口‧ 雙密封煙彈‧ 鴨嘴型煙彈設計‧ 即插即用連接‧ 鍍金屬防燒焦‧ 磁連接‧ 植物甘油、丙二醇、食品調味劑、尼古丁、真果汁提取物

YOOZ Zero RELX 2nd Generation Electronic Cigarette Pod Ceramic Core Cartridge: Provides the most realistic smoking experience

YOOZ Zero RELX 2nd Generation Electronic Cigarette Pod Ceramic Core Cartridge is a treasure in the electronic cigarette world, bringing you a real smoking experience! The YOOZ electronic atomizer, whose Chinese name is Yuezi e-cigarette, has sold more than one million units worldwide. It has advanced atomization technology to ensure the ultimate enjoyment in every puff.

Excellent technology and high-quality e-liquid: meet your smoking needs

FEELM3.0 ceramic atomizer core: brings a smoother smoking experience

The latest technology used in the YOOZ Zero RELX 2nd generation electronic cigarette Pod ceramic core cartridge includes the new FEELM3.0 ceramic atomizing core. This unique ceramic material ensures a pure taste. This flagship FEELM3.0 ceramic atomizing core fully releases fine smoke, provides a smoother and more stable smoking experience, and solves the problem of traditional cotton cores being easily burned and smelly.

Magnetic technology and organic salt ingredients: Reproduce the real throat irritation

In addition, it is also equipped with the latest magnetic technology and a new generation of organic salt ingredients. This low-temperature atomization method reproduces the real throat irritation without the need for an open flame and does not produce odor or harmful substances.

Multiple flavor options: meet different taste preferences


Summary: The highest quality e-cigarette experience to protect your health

YOOZ Zero RELX 2nd Generation Electronic Cigarette Pod Ceramic Core Cartridge is your impeccable choice, bringing you the highest quality e-cigarette experience while also protecting your health. Whether you are a vaping enthusiast or trying it for the first time, this product will definitely meet your needs and allow you to enjoy unparalleled fun.

YOOZ ZERO 是 YOOZ 電子煙系列中的一款產品,擁有多種特色和功能,以下是 YOOZ ZERO 的主要特點:

  1. 時尚外觀YOOZ ZERO 的外觀設計時尚且簡約,適合不同風格的用戶,讓您在使用時感到自信。

  2. 高品質製造: 這款煙機使用高品質的材料和精湛的製造工藝,確保耐用性和性能。

  3. 智能感應技術YOOZ ZERO 配備了智能感應技術,當您吸取時會自動啟動,無需按鈕。

  4. 長壽命電池: 內置高性能電池,提供穩定的電源供應,支持長時間的使用。

  5. 多種口味選擇YOOZ ZERO 煙彈提供多種口味選擇,包括水果、煙草、甜品等,滿足不同用戶的口味需求。

  6. 環保設計YOOZ ZERO 的煙彈是可替換式的,有助於減少浪費,提高環保性能。

  7. 防漏油技術: 產品設計了防漏油技術,減少了漏油的風險,確保煙彈保持清潔。

  8. 安全性YOOZ ZERO 產品符合相關的安全標準,保證使用過程中的安全性。