Relx煙彈 – 產品總覽
Relx 一代煙彈 (經典悅刻品牌) | Relx一代 電子煙 通用 (煙彈x3) | 8種口味
Relx Classic 悅刻1代 | RELX 煙彈 | RELX PODQ | (12種口味) Pod
RELX 煙彈來自中國品牌,形狀呈鴨嘴形,令你吸得更舒服,令你身體吸收得更快,而煙感比較重,如果大家想揾一啲激感較彈強傷,呢款就比較彈強哀,哈拉你大家!煙內芯用左雙矽膠環去防啕哀嘆漏油情況,霧化器就用左蜂窩式陶瓷陶瓷,減少過熱感情況。
1. 鴨嘴形狀設計: RELX煙彈具有特殊的鴨嘴形狀設計,這種形狀更貼近傳統香煙,使吸煙者感到更加舒適。這種設計還有助於使煙霧更加集中,令身體更快地吸收尼古丁。
2. 強烈的煙感: RELX煙彈提供強烈的煙感,這意味著吸煙者可以在吸煙過程中感受到更多的刺激和滿足感。如果您喜歡吸煙時有一定的喉嚨感,RELX煙彈可能是一個理想的選擇。
3. 防漏設計: 為了減少煙彈漏油的情況,RELX煙彈內部使用雙矽膠環進行密封,確保煙油不會外漏。這有助於保持吸煙過程的乾燥和乾淨。
4. 霧化器技術: RELX煙彈的霧化器採用了蜂窩式陶瓷設計,這種設計有助於減少過熱感,確保吸煙過程中煙霧均勻且柔和。
5. 多樣的口味選擇: RELX煙彈提供多種不同的口味選擇,包括經典煙草、勁爽薄荷、水果等口味。吸煙者可以根據自己的口味喜好選擇最合適的口味。
此產品1盒包含3粒煙彈此煙彈同時適用於其他Relx一代機型電子煙,如:·Relx – 1代原廠電子煙機
Relx Classic 1st generation | RELX pods | RELX PODQ | (12 flavors) Pod
RELX cigarette cartridges are from a Chinese brand. They are in the shape of a duckbill, making them more comfortable for you to smoke and absorbed by your body faster. The smoke smell is heavier. If you want to get something that is more exciting and more elastic, this model is for you. Comparatively playing strong sad, haha you all! The inner core of the cigarette uses a left double silicone ring to prevent oil leakage, and the atomizer uses a left honeycomb ceramic to reduce overheating.
RELX cigarette cartridges are known for their unique advantages and flavor diversity
RELX cartridges are a highly popular e-cigarette product originating from a Chinese brand. These pods are known for their unique features. Here are some features and information about RELX pods:
1. Duckbill shape design: RELX cigarette cartridges have a special duckbill shape design, which is closer to traditional cigarettes and makes smokers feel more comfortable. This design also helps to concentrate the smoke more quickly, allowing the body to absorb nicotine faster.
2. Strong smoke feeling: RELX cartridges provide a strong smoke feeling, which means smokers can feel more stimulation and satisfaction during the smoking process. If you like a certain throat feel when smoking, RELX cartridges may be an ideal choice.
3. Leak-proof design: In order to reduce the leakage of oil from the cigarette cartridge, the inside of the RELX cigarette cartridge is sealed with double silicone rings to ensure that the smoke oil will not leak out. This helps keep the smoking process dry and clean.
4. Atomizer technology: The atomizer of the RELX cartridge adopts a honeycomb ceramic design, which helps reduce the feeling of overheating and ensures even and soft smoke during smoking.
5. Various flavor options: RELX cigarette cartridges provide a variety of different flavor options, including classic tobacco, refreshing mint, fruit and other flavors. Smokers can choose the most suitable flavor according to their taste preferences.
Among them, “Refreshing Mint” is one of the most classic flavors of RELX cartridges, with a strong mint flavor, providing a refreshing smoking experience. In addition, the “Classic Tobacco” flavor pursues the classic tobacco flavor to satisfy smokers who like traditional flavors. The fruit flavor provides a variety of fruit flavor options, allowing smokers to feel the sweetness and freshness of the fruit during the smoking process.
All 12 flavors to choose from~ Come and check out the Li store!
Reason for taste:
Cool: juicy grapes, old popsicles, cool honeydew melon, refreshing mint, iced watermelon, mung bean popsicles, strawberry snow ice.
Slightly cool: cola, green mango, kumquat passion fruit, passion fruit, peach oolong, orange soda.
Not Cool: Classic Tobacco.
1 box of this product contains 3 pods
This cartridge is also suitable for other Relx generation electronic cigarettes, such as:
·Relx – 1st generation original electronic cigarette machine·Troy electronic cigarette machine· Vapemoho electronic cigarette machine··MEGA electronic cigarette machine
口味 | 綠豆, 西瓜, 薄荷, 經典煙草, 可樂, 桃烏龍, 葡萄, 百香果, 草莓, 夏日青芒, 哈蜜瓜, 老冰棍, 橙子汽水 |
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- Relx成立於2018年,總部位於中國,是一家專注於生產和銷售電子煙的公司。
- 由於嚴格的品質控制和創新的技術,Relx迅速在國際市場上崭露頭角,成為全球最受歡迎的電子煙品牌之一。
- 多種口味選擇:Relx提供了多種不同口味的煙彈,包括煙草、水果、薄荷、甜品等口味,以滿足各種吸煙者的口味喜好。
- 先進的霧化技術:Relx煙彈採用FEELM陶瓷霧化技術,能夠提供穩定的煙霧和出色的口感。
- 精緻的設計:Relx的產品設計緊湊、時尚,易於攜帶和使用。
- 防漏油設計:Relx的煙彈設計具有防漏油結構,減少了漏油問題,確保吸煙的整潔。
- 高品質材料:Relx使用高品質的材料,並通過嚴格的品質控制程序,確保產品安全、可靠。
- Relx的煙彈設計精巧,容易更換,無需複雜的組裝或維護。
- 不同口味:Relx提供了多種不同口味的煙彈,讓吸煙者可以根據口味偏好進行選擇。
- 高品質:Relx注重產品品質,通過嚴格的品質控制確保產品的一致性和安全性。
- 先進技術:Relx的產品搭載了先進的技術,如FEELM陶瓷霧化技術,以提供更好的吸煙體驗。
RELX CLASSIC 電子菸煙彈 擁有一系列卓越特點,使其在市場上脫穎而出。以下是主要特點:
- 兼容性強:適用於所有一代RELX設備
- 3個2ML煙彈裝:隨時替換,方便快捷
- 尼古丁濃度:3%(經典煙草和薄荷口味為5%)
- 使用壽命:每個煙彈可提供500口吸煙量
- 不透明設計:帶有LED指示燈
特點 詳情 兼容性 適用所有一代RELX設備 煙彈數量 3個 尼古丁濃度 3%(經典煙草和薄荷口味為5%) 吸煙量 500口/煙彈 設計 不透明設計,帶LED指示燈